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Eli and Sonia met on a yellow school bus in Washington D.C. in 2010. They were both visiting to participate in a jazz composer residency at the Kennedy Center. They wrote a song together there called "The Future Scares Me" but they weren't allowed to perform it because it didn't sound like jazz. So Eli moved from California to New York, where Sonia lived, they started a band together to play more music that didn't sound like jazz and then they got married.


In 2013, they invited Sonia's old roommate David Christian to join the band and performed extensively both in NYC as well as on the west coast. In 2014, they began work on what would become their debut EP, "'Till it's Dark Out," to be released this December, 2015. Their single "Slow Down" captures the sadness and longing that comes with growing up. The song combines the richly layered vocals and synths of Beach House and James Blake with the storytelling of Laura Mvula.  


© 2015 thefuturescaresme.  Background photo credit: Micheal Howerton.  Made by

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